Submucosal Cleft Palate

So there we were going through a completely normal pregnancy without any glitches the entire way.
The only thing now that I think about it was I was borderline polyhydramnios or had a lot of fluid in my
tummy. My AFI was 24.5. I was told there was no need for me to see MFM or high risk OB. At the time
my doctor told me just for my personal information. I was excited! I was afraid. I was unsure of what to
expect but I was looking forward to what was to come. Then finally, the time came!! I gave birth to the
most beautiful baby boy you could imagine. He was here and he was healthy!!

So the time came for him to begin breast feeding. He tried to latch on. After a while he started crying.
It was like he was frustrated…

The nurse reassured me that during the first few days only colostrum was excreted until my milk came
in so his response was normal. She shared that the colostrum would be enough for him to be nourished
for now.

I’d delivered vaginally so we were expected to be in the hospital for two days. I had a visit from the
lactation nurse. This was the first time something was not right. She told me she was concerned that
our son was not latching properly. She told me for some reason he is not keeping a tight seal in order to
create the suction needed to get your milk out. She suggested we supplement with formula.
Of course, having learned the benefits from breast feeding I really didn’t want to give him formula. But
at this point I was in full swing “mommy mode” and thinking “I will do whatever I need to do for my
baby”. So day two comes and we are preparing for discharge from the hosptial. We were cleared by my
doctor and we were cleared by his doctor….then it was time for him to feed.
I gave my bundle of joy the formula with a bottle in his mouth and I noticed milk coming from his nose.
Immediately, I jumped into physician mode. I grabbed an otoscope with the light and a tongue
depressor and shined it in my baby’s mouth. I hoped I wouldn’t find anything and I was slightly fearful
that I would….

Then, there it was… I did not see a formed uvula (the part that hangs in the back of your throat).
In fact, there was a hole there. My heart sank…

My baby was soon transferred to NICU. He required feeding with a tube down his nose temporarily. I
stayed in the NICU the entire time. I had skin to skin time as much as possible. We learned how to feed
him using a Haberman nipple and eventually his palate was repaired.
I am so thankful for how he fought through that experience. You would not know today what my little
soldier went through!!


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