• Quarantine


    Quarantine” Wouldn’t it be nice if in the next 10 years or so all of these buzz words (quarantine, isolate, social distance, and masks) are a memory?? For now, many children have returned to school and unfortunately many children have to quarantine or isolate….

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  • Wandering


    At times elders, especially those with dementia, may have episodes of wandering. This is when they walk around, but are unfamiliar with where they are going. They can get lost or end up somewhere that may be dangerous. For example, they may end up at a construction…

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  • Ectopic Pregnancy and Uterine Fibroids

    Ectopic Pregnancy and Uterine Fibroids

    #RyannValencia In 2015 as I began dating and getting acquainted with my boyfriend at the time (now husband and BFF), I also began getting reacquainted with uterine fibroids. Specifically, with how prevalent uterine fibroids are for African American women. After…

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  • Advanced Directives

    Advanced Directives

    #GreatfulMMS  With COVID-19 on the rise and many other illnesses occurring there are many decisions that must be made. So, let’s talk about advanced directives. There are many questions you may have about advanced directives and I’m going to do my best…

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