Quality Family Time

#DCortes  We must connect with our children in many ways. Good communication is the key to a successful
relationship. At times, we need to let our hair down, get out of the teaching/discipline mode and have
fun with our children! Establish a weekly family game night, pick a night to turn off the television, put
away those cell phones and bring out those board games from Christmas past! Connect with your
children with laughter, play and some healthy competition. I remember setting aside Tuesday nights for
my boys and I to have fun. We had card games, board games and even games we made up. Sometimes
I would have small prizes for them. Once a year we had a mini golf game and the winner got bragging
rights for a whole year! You don’t have to spend lots of money for this. Make it a pizza and chip & dip
night! Let your children see a different side of you. Connecting with your children on this level will build
a stronger relationship/bond for you and your child. “A cheerful heart Is good medicine, but a crushed
spirit dries up the bones” Proverbs 17:22.

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